Saturday, December 19, 2015

More Comfortable Invisalign Aligners

Invisalign aligners have come a long way since the first generation.  A few years ago, the SmartTrack material made aligners more comfortable and maintain pressure on the teeth for a longer period of time.

Recently, Align announced some further changes to the aligners to increase comfort:

The first change involves the use of real gingival data for a better fit along the gum line and to reduce incidences of sharp edges and papilla impingement.

To address sharpness and lessen irritation to the gingiva and tongue, there are improvements to the edge quality of the aligners by rounding the pointy edges on the anterior areas along with making modifications to the edge angle on the lingual side.

For further reduction of tongue irritation, there is improved trimming of the aligners to minimize incidence of rough surfaces. 

Invisalign aligners have been quite comfortable for most patients with the above items being "sore" spots for some.  With these improvements, patients will now experience far fewer issues and enjoy their treatment more.

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